Sometimes, despite maintaining a well-balanced diet of protein, carbs and fats, we might still feel like something’s not quite right with our bodies. This could be due to a vitamin or mineral deficiency, which can manifest in different ways, like fatigue, muscle weakness or even hair loss. In this article, we’ll explore the common signs to look out for when your body lacks these essential micronutrients and how you can get enough of them through your diet.
Everyone knows the importance of a well-balanced diet. However, apart from this, not having enough of certain minerals and vitamins can cause a lot of health issues. Your body often lets you know it’s not getting enough of these nutrients in the form of certain symptoms like fatigue or headaches that we may dismiss too quickly. For instance, iron and vitamin D deficiencies are regarded as a significant public health challenge in India. Identifying such deficiencies quickly is important to start restoring health and balance. In this article, we'll explore the common signs and causes of mineral and vitamin deficiency so that you can take the necessary steps towards better nutrition.
Signs You are Deficient in Vitamins:
The common causes of vitamin deficiency include inadequate dietary intake, malabsorption issues, or certain medical conditions. Let's look at the most common symptoms of vitamin deficiency, and sources that will help you overcome them.
- Vitamin A Deficiency: This mostly affects children and is caused by a lack of vitamin A in the diet.
- Xerophthalmia (dryness of the eye)
- Vision problems
- Night blindness
- In severe cases- Permanent blindness.
Sources of vitamin A:
- Green leafy vegetables like spinach
- Carrots
- Sweet potatoes
- B Vitamins Deficiency: Vitamin B12 deficiency has been observed in 3-5% of the general population and 5-20% among individuals aged over 65 years. It is mostly found in people who do not consume animal protein, such as vegans.
B Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms:
- Rapid breathing
- Shortness of breath
- Indigestion
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Loss of appetite
- Vision problems
- Palpitations
Sources of vitamin B:
- Whole grains
- Meat
- Eggs
- Dairy products
- Vitamin C Deficiency: This mostly affects adults and elderly people and is caused by a low intake of citrus fruits and certain vegetables.
- Condition like scurvy, characterised by bleeding gums and poor wound healing
- Skin issues like skin rashes and dull skin
Sources of vitamin C:
- Amla
- Capsicum
- Strawberries
- Citrus fruits like oranges and lemons
Recipes: Peanut Amla Chutney, Orange Juice
- Vitamin D Deficiency: Vitamin D deficiency affects nearly 90% of all age groups and is caused due to either less exposure to the sun, decreased dietary intake or inability of the body to absorb vitamin D from foods. Some disorders also hamper the body’s ability to convert vitamin D into its active form.
- Muscle weakness
- Weakening of spine, pelvis and leg bones
- Fractures caused by minor falls
- Fatigue
- Bone/muscle pain
Sources of vitamin D:
- Absorbed by the skin through exposure to sunlight, and produced through consumption of fatty fish, eggs, red meat, and dairy products like yogurt.
Signs You are Deficient in Minerals
The causes of mineral deficiency typically include poor dietary choices, certain medical conditions, or issues with nutrient absorption. Let's look at the most common mineral deficiency symptoms, their causes, and dietary sources to combat them.
- Iron Deficiency: Affects the age group of children, adults and pregnant women. This deficiency is the most common one caused by a lack of iron intake in their diet, blood loss during menstruation, and hookworms.
Symptoms: Fatigue, paleness, weakness, hair fall, breathing difficulty.
Sources: Seeds like garden seeds, amaranth seeds, millets like bajra, red meat, leafy greens like spinach, fish (tuna), and legumes (lentils, chickpeas).
Recipes: Halim Kheer , Masala Bajra Roti
- Iodine Deficiency: Iodine deficiency mostly affects infants and pregnant women.
Symptoms: Hypothyroidism, goiter
Sources: Iodized table salt, eggs, seafood
Recipes: Turai Kheera Raita, Salted Lassi
- Zinc Deficiency: This deficiency mostly affects children more than adults, and is caused by a lack of zinc in their diet and poor absorption of this nutrient in their body.
Symptoms: Increased susceptibility to infection, skin lesions, poor appetite, reduced taste, night blindness, and smell acuity, hair loss.
Sources: Meat, dairy products (milk, cheese), nuts and seeds like cashews, and pumpkin seeds
Recipes: Chickpea Paratha, Fruit Yoghurt
- Magnesium Deficiency: Older people with diabetes and hypertension are mostly affected by this deficiency.
Symptoms: Can lead to hypomagnesemia which causes symptoms like nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue, and weakness.
Sources: Whole grains, Nuts and seeds (pumpkin seeds, almonds), leafy green vegetables (spinach, legumes (black beans, kidney beans), eggs.
Recipes: Egg Omelette with Veggies, Vegetable Salad with Nuts
It is advisable to consult a healthcare professional before increasing your intake of vitamins and minerals. They can assess if you have any deficiencies and provide a personalized plan based on your specific needs.
Understanding the signs of vitamin and mineral deficiency is essential for making the right dietary choices. Whether it's fatigue or muscle weakness, these symptoms serve as crucial indicators that shouldn't be ignored. By incorporating nutrient-rich foods and maintaining a balanced lifestyle, we can protect ourselves against the detrimental effects of vitamin and mineral deficiency.